Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fingerprints are done

Today, Tuesday, November 16, 2010, we were summoned to The Bank of America building in Baltimore at 8AM to have our (dare I say) FINAL set of fingerprints done.  Oh what an experience it was! 

I think I woke up at 4 this morning, anxious, nervous and W-I-D-E awake.  I was so worried that we would over sleep and miss that darn appointment, that I just could not sleep.  Of course my darling husband assured me there would be no traffic and he would even (are you ready for this) park in a garage!  For those who know Eric this is quite a big deal.....Eric is the king of street parking and we often circle block after block looking for a free spot ;).  With our papers in hand we walk up to the room and then I started to feel as though we had done something wrong and were in trouble!  LOL--these people take their jobs VERY seriously!  OF course, everyone was super nice and it only took us about 20 minutes to get in and get out.

I know this is silly but I even got kind of teary eyed!  This is it!  Just one more very important letter and then it is the home stretch.  Many people feel like the wait list is the hardest...but when you have been waiting for 5 years to hold a precious child in your arms, what's another few months!   To me, there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel!!

I will leave you with a shot of Mabel--this picture was taken a few years ago during a trip to South Carolina.  We just entered her in the AAA Pet Contest, and I am pretty confident we will win!!!


  1. Oh I so understand! I remember getting misty through each little thing...enjoy this. Don't be surprised if you start getting a little nutty as you near a referral (the not knowing gets to even the best and I don't group myself in that category)...not long now to be on the wait list!!

  2. Sounds like congratulations are in order here. I was reading around your blog. I can feel your excitement.
    I came over here from a blog hop (geesh, don't recall which one, LOL)
    Stop by if you like. My door is always open!

  3. Congrats! Very happy for you guys. Can't wait to see you. Love you

  4. Congrats! We were just at the same CIS office last week for our fingerprinting (well, second round since ours were 15 months old and expiring). I'm new to your blog but look forward to following along. We're in Baltimore too and maybe we'll see you at one of the Dukem dinners.

  5. Kelly - That would be great! Thanks for following along. I think I heard 12/4 at Dukem??

  6. Hello! I'm your newest follower from a blog hop. I would love it if you would follow back at one or all four of my blogs :)


    Have a great weekend!
